Marketing | Words of Mouth

Assalamualaikum & Hi all  :) How are you doing? May Allah grant all of us a good health, InsyaAllah.

Recently we at #thejoyofbakingwithAinie keep talking and discuss regarding our marketing strategy. Being a less than 2 months old baby in the industry, we have talked and come across so many strategies that we see from others, read it online & offline, asking from the seniors in industry, and many more. Among all of it, we decided to share something that we found it worked on #TJOBWA and it is even effective before Ainie started this as her main business, which is the 'Words of Mouth'.

Let us see the definition of 'Words of Mouth'. Based on , they define the 'Words of Mouth' as:

Oral or written recommendation by a satisfied customer to the prospective customers of a good or service. Considered to be the most effective form of promotion, it is also called word of mouth advertising which is incorrect because, by definition, advertising is a paid and non-personal communication.

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1) It is definitely free.
2) Among many sources i heard and read, most of them said this is the best / most effective way of marketing.

And yes, as I said earlier, we have experienced it before we are seriously get into this business. It happened when Ainie tried out her fruitcake and decided to passing it out to her mom's friends. Alhamdulillah, the news of "Ainie can bake a good fruitcake" is spread to their other friends and relatives. Ainie received a lot of orders and she made 4 figures of profit for that particular month by selling only fruitcakes. Alhamdulillah. The same thing goes to our brownies. It spread to people that is totally not in our circle of friend.

Fruitcake by The Joy Of Baking With Ainie.
By that we do feel and believe the power of 'Words of Mouth' is very effective BUT! bare in mind ya, if you do bad / or producing bad product/service, the 'Words of Mouth' also will be effective too (sometimes it can become VERY effective!). Secondly, it is not that easy to get words regarding your business spread. For me its the matter of getting the right person, right time, and maybe right place. InsyaAllah. :)

Till then, Assalamualaikum ;)

Cinnamon Roll With Love

Vivamus finibus nulla vitae fermentum molestie. Etiam est tellus, accumsan non erat et, facilisis bibendum sapien. Mauris aliquet iaculis neque. Phasellus malesuada purus id commodo pellentesque. Morbi pharetra lorem non diam rutrum pretium. Nunc tristique vehicula turpis quis porta. Vivamus aliquet lorem dui, sodales pulvinar felis euismod at. Mauris feugiat lectus id ligula auctor lobortis. Ut vestibulum, magna at aliquet mattis, mauris mi efficitur dui, quis ultrices ante urna in leo. Suspendisse luctus ipsum sed finibus hendrerit. Aliquam nibh leo, pharetra non tortor ac, sagittis accumsan sem.
Interdum et malesuada fames ac ante ipsum primis in faucibus. Aenean egestas augue et dignissim cursus. Donec vitae lacus at ante aliquam feugiat. Integer risus quam, pellentesque mattis pulvinar eu, accumsan at nunc. Pellentesque placerat pharetra lectus et scelerisque. Pellentesque id vestibulum magna. Nam vitae maximus mauris. Proin finibus, nisl consectetur pharetra malesuada, tortor mi blandit nulla, sed tincidunt mi dui vitae magna. Vestibulum ultricies ex ut scelerisque mollis. Quisque lacinia efficitur accumsan. Nulla malesuada cursus mi, et congue justo elementum ac. Nam quis metus eu leo blandit consectetur ac in nibh.

Fudgy Brownies

Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Quisque pretium, dui vitae mattis convallis, lorem magna consectetur ante, in varius ipsum neque a felis. Pellentesque orci sapien, mattis at consectetur ut, accumsan vel arcu. Sed diam purus, gravida nec velit vel, ultrices gravida elit. Nulla non consequat arcu. Vestibulum ante ipsum primis in faucibus orci luctus et ultrices posuere cubilia Curae; Cras cursus id risus et hendrerit. In arcu augue, facilisis quis odio varius, vulputate pellentesque elit.

Person Behind #thejoyofbakingwithAINIE

By knowing our branding, obviousyly you will know the main person of this business is named Ainie :) Yes, she is. Her full name is Noor Ainie Zawanie Bt Zulkhairi. A self-thought baker with her background studies in radiography, she had her passion towards baking since she was in secondary school. A type of person who will keep going once she started with something, I know that she will always keep producing a good 'stuff' for 'The Joy Of Baking With Ainie'..

We consider ourself as a newborn in the industry but we know we are growing fast. Stay tune with us. You gonna have more from us.

Till then, take care. See you soon ;)

Introduction to The Joy Of Baking With Ainie

Everything started when once in a while, Ainie will try on a new recipe and hand it out to her family, friends & others. As time passes, She found her love & passions towards baking is so deep. It run in the blood where her grandmother was a very good baker back then. she always seek help & guide from her Umi whom will always do the qc on every cake that she produce.

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